" If you win, you will be happy." "If you loose, you will be wise." --By Anonymous..Google. - Summer. That month when- beaches, perfect...

Fitness vs Outfits
- Well we can all tell which one CLEARLY wins above all. No? I guess not. Anyways, between the two they're both FABULOUS both physically...

"Pooh Belly"
- Is it just me or new year resolutions don't help for cracker jacks? I mean, making a list on what to do for the new year sure it works...

Confident ?
- Legitimate the most hardest topic or activity to try to build over/succeed in.body fitness. - Everyone wants to have that Kim...

Fitness vs Outfits
- Well we can all tell which one CLEARLY wins above all.no? I guess not.anyways,between the two they're both FABULOUS both physically and...