Comfortable vs TOO comfortable 😌
{Read blog after reading this sentence}
That One Summer Addict 😘
- I know it's not particularly Summer yet but let's face it- if all of those crop tops and summer dresses don't make things awkward in...
Chocolate, Nature's way of making up of Mondays.
- Scandalous, I know. 😁 This is a late one on my behalf (No the picture isn't myself on my own behalf, but more actually to all African...
That One Heels-Gal Addict 👠
If your friend or yourself is addicted to heels, this one is all for you guys. ~😘
The One Hat Addict 🎩
- Judge me or judge me not, but we all have that one person- no mater what season it is- ALWAYS wearing a hat. Being one of the people...
The Silent Rule Of Fall = Green
- Literally if you haven't seen anyone wearing any of those green ANYTHING then you'd must live in Europe or something. So before and...
Mother Nature's Period😷
The cure of what to wear whenever the weather decides to play hot n cold 👌😺
That One Crop-Top Addict 👕
- OK I'm not going to scream my lungs and say, "People like this have a problem! they need to be stopped!!" because during the summer I...
The Curse Of The "Weather Change"😓
- Now if you ever lived in the city of Lawrenceville in Georgia you know what I am talking about. Days when it would be too hot to wear...
The Day To Feel Bitter Or Appreciated 🌹 (Valentine's Day)
- Obviously I'm not going to say anything negative about this day- despite all of the love fest that is practically shoved in people's...