(Laughing Quietly To Myself) - Nothing beats all odds of talking or even texting by not even doing it face to face- like jokes, That...

- Now one girl I know in particular could honestly be the queen of flannels and that's my girl Maria Jimenez Stephany-Vera. Not only is...

~Your Own Little World~
Nothing is wrong with having alone time to yourself, So why does it feel so "empty" inside whenever I see everyone else with their...

"Twitch God" Happy Bday🍰; Nick😜
Now this person, if you were in my 5th period Math class- everyone and I mean EVERYONE knew how our friendship was like. Don't know?...

"Sweet 16?" Happy Bday🍰 ; Morgan😜
" If not now, when? " -- By Probably Someone Famous - As cheesy as this is, I honestly don't know what to say- *dramatically cries* LOL....
- Since this person decided to be anonymous on this thing, I'll just call them a Pretty Little Liar character name..Spencer. Now this...

- Literally being the exclamation marks of the title right now!! Let me calm down for a second- Alright so, nothing has more of a rush or...

I'm A Queen vs I THINK I'm A Queen
- This is one of the many reasons why during my Middle and current High School years my friends were only a few.apparently being too...

Clothes And Life On Repeat
Feeling like life is predictable and some what on replay am I right? It sucks whenever perhaps thinking a new hairstyle or a new change...

Cool For Summer🎶
- Summer finally came! school is out,jobs for adults are still active (Sorry for THAT reminder) but luckily there's certain things that...