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I'm A Queen vs I THINK I'm A Queen

Girl with a pearled crown  #tumblr

- This is one of the many reasons why during my Middle and current High School years my friends were only a few.apparently being too confident is considered as a "douche". But there's this one advise that turned that perspective of not caring what people think sort of vibe roared in me by Rachel Zoe: "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."

- SoOo how is that relevant?

Well, pretty sure no one told those with Confidence that sometimes it can be pushed to the extreme. Shallow and arrogant shows A LOT- whenever it comes to that. Sad to say the least.

- Rachel Zoe comes to the picture by redefining a girls confidence. Good in some ways of course by obviously giving girls a boost to our style but the idea of being considered as Condescending still hovers over our heads. Even guys! (Y'know, if they like those kind of quotes as well? ).

- Long story short, The only way to make sure you're in the 'I'm A Queen' range and NOT be a douche about it is just..don't over do it. Now I don't mean your style- you go for whatever style you feel like! But being like this scenario; you're talking to friends then your friend pulls you away from the person you were communicating with because "They're beneath you." : doesn't cut it. Have fun with who you are but get this: Having style doesn't make me a duchess, my royalty however is just through my personality.(Quote by me). That proves you're classy yet love style all at once. 👋

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