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Cloud Sweater + Beige Skirt

- Ahh yes.

That 70 degree feeling can't help but wanting the URGE to grab that vintage sweater you've been eyeing on since November!

nothing makes things worse than wanting to wear something a 40 something degree during a 100 something degree weather.yeah, sure; those white deep laced up V-necks are stylish but I'm pretty sure frost bite isn't the world's cutest accessory.

- Is there a way to solve this? possibly,not.

Hate to brake it to you but there's no other way to wear a sweater in hot weather! it's just impossible,so in all honesty, the only way to "contour" with this weather is to just fight through the struggle- too many analogies.long story short, mix every summer crop-top within a light sweater so that way you don't over heat and have the satisfaction of wearing a totally summer vibe.


{ Music: Dean Martin - Let it Snow }

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