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"The world will forever pick out something different about you and make it a flaw. It's up to you to turn it around." - Klarity (Viner)

- Question you're probably wondering: Why is she posting this..?

>Short Answer: My day was not that fun couple of days ago.

>The long answer: That quote is honestly the whole reason why I wanted to be so dedicated/ still kinda am towards Fashion AND in life too.

- Look.

I'm not going to make it the cheesy phrase successful people expect us to understand through their somewhat "Luxury Life" but- no matter what is to always remember to know why you are who you are. Someone that is not just "Too Nice" or someone that isn't taken seriously just because how tamed their tongue is..or even not defensive at all.... the point is, your values on how you trained yourself to be like isn't a priority to them, so why do they pick on people like you & I so much? Popularity?

- No my darling, it's because they're too mentally weak to understand where & how people like you and I come from. How we're capable of doing/say/or even know more than they do when it comes to- not common sense but Respect. Just know this is the most realistic thing I'll tell you because I still struggle with my insecurities on my looks and cautious of how I dress along side from everyone else.

- Everyone has some sort of different reason why they are, how they are; sometimes religion (Like myself) also takes a barrier on how we act. Long story short always & never be ashamed of who you are.

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