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The Dead End .

Toward The Within, Igel, Germany, 12.2016  #Tumblr

- I'm not going to lie, everyone has that one friend that you've realized a little too soon that they're not exactly who they appeared to be like: person that sleeps around, Different gender,or even a gossiper. This perspective would be about someone that gossips. Needless to say that I don't do lessons on "Oh make sure to not gossip" and such but sometimes it doesn't hurt to remind everyone every so often..

- Sigh.

Alright, so basically I've already explained what happened a little bit from the intro but long story short, the best way to handle all of this is just do what I was/did next and that is to move on from them. Nothing is wrong with just having a "wave friend" aka the person you'd only see in the hallways rather than speak to them because like it or not- it's just better for our consciences. (Gossip can of course mess with our heads, whoever says that it doesn't probably doesn't lead themselves towards the good one anyway). *Exhales*. Who knew High School would be SUCH a roller-coaster for all of this 😞

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