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Fashion Blank ft. The Morning Exhaution

- No this isn't going to be a "Dating advice wordrobe" blog,my deepest apologizes.for the dressy girls however likewise to myself,picking out an outfit that doesn't show the mental exhaution in the morning is COMPLETELY a way to solve this horrible idea is- here comes the clecheness,but to plan the outfit before falling asleep.

- It's pretty alleviating really,if you'd read my previous post called "Acessory Fashion Counts !" it explains on how its better to instead of going straight forward on picking an outfit just legitamently pick some accesories you're in a mood for then rock it out the next day.

~My Advice~

•Legitemently before going to bed,

play some music and go all out on some accesories (It work for me so why not?)

then afterwards "mini dress up" meaning dont put on any socks in the boots you're

going to pick just fit them in! there ya go~

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